Preferential price, high quality core, shiny ABCmouse

Preferential price, high quality core, shiny ABCmouse


Cost-effective and strong features are the way to develop kindergartens.

Today, parents' consumption structure and consumption habits are changing due to the epidemic and many other factors. Online learning resources, not limited by district, are the best gift for children for the ordinary-income family.

Kindergartens are able to understand the needs of parents and can recommend good learning resources to parents then gain their real recognition.


Affirmation of parents in the countryside of Hainan


Local conditions and environments are limited, and learning resources that are readily available to city dwellers are inaccessible to parents and children in remote areas.

The recognition from poor family is proof that "ABCmouse is a real good resource". The ABCmouse learning model, which crosses spatial boundaries, allows children from any region to learn English with a pure accent and sense of language, and to be in the same class as children from all over the world.


Tencent introduced ABCmouse

How strict and cautious is the selection of educational resources by the famous Internet company Tencent. It introduced ABCmouse in 2017 and invested its team to upgrade and improve the product. Rakuten, a large Japanese company, also introduced ABCmouse , which also means that the quality of ABCmouse is recognized around the world.


Dadi Cooperative Kindergartens began using ABCmouse on a large scale in 2013 , and the learning results are recognized by parents. Such a good resource that is recognized by all sectors and has been tested by time, any smart principle will sure make good use of it.


 2 Minute Podcast Introducing Dadi early childhood education institution